Zapya 4.3.1 APK for Android

Zapya v 4.3.1 (US) APK

You are about to download & install Zapya v 4.3.1 (US) APK file for android. Choose the one location below to download .apk file & install same in your android.

Download Zapya 4.3.1 APK file for Android from Mirror (size : 7MB)

Download APK from SendSpace 

Download APK from Zippyshare

Install APK from Google Play Store

What’s New
New Zapya 4.3.1
– Fix bugs
Zapya 4.3
1.Add Fast Speed option to create group in 5GHz WiFi channels; allow newer phones to achieve maximum possible transfer speed
2.Add camera option to view and control connected peer devices as using a wireless periscope
3.Add Select All option to Audio and Photo screens based on user feedbacks
4.Fix some bugs

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